Redis,Memcached,PHP,MySQL均有新的Stable版本PHP 8.2.2
PHP 8.1.15
PHP 8.0.27
Memcached 1.6.18
MySQL 5.7.41
Redis 7.0.8 Released Mon Jan 16 12:00:00 IDT 2023
Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.
Security Fixes:
* (CVE-2022-35977) Integer overflow in the Redis SETRANGE and SORT/SORT_RO
commands can drive Redis to OOM panic
* (CVE-2023-22458) Integer overflow in the Redis HRANDFIELD and ZRANDMEMBER
commands can lead to denial-of-service
Bug Fixes
* Avoid possible hang when client issues long KEYS, SRANDMEMBER, HRANDFIELD,
and ZRANDMEMBER commands and gets disconnected by client output buffer limit (#11676)
* Make sure that fork child doesn't do incremental rehashing (#11692)
* Fix a bug where blocking commands with a sub-second timeout would block forever (#11688)
* Fix sentinel issue if replica changes IP (#11590)
感谢反馈,后续安排时间会做出更新的。 谢花郎 发表于 2023-2-4 10:02
再催一下,谢谢。 您好,这个需求已经记录了的,最近较忙,会尽快安排更新的。麻烦耐心等待,谢谢