What is Cacti?Cacti is a complete frontend to RRDTool, it stores all of the necessary information to create graphs and populate them with data in a MySQL database. The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able to maintain Graphs, Data Sources, and Round Robin Archives in a database, cacti handles the data gathering. There is also SNMP support for those used to creating traffic graphs with MRTG.Cacti 在英文中的意思是仙人掌的意思,Cacti是一套基于PHP,MySQL,SNMP及RRDTool开发的网络流量监测图形分析工具。它通过snmpget来获取数据,使用 RRDtool绘画图形,而且你完全可以不需要了解RRDtool复杂的参数。它提供了非常强大的数据和用户管理功能,可以指定每一个用户能查看树状结 构、host以及任何一张图,还可以与LDAP结合进行用户验证,同时也能自己增加模板,功能非常强大完善。下图是cacti运行的主界面http://www.oschina.net/uploads/img/200809/14165325_IfTs.pngCacti 架构图:http://www.oschina.net/uploads/img/200912/26092317_fzGW.gif
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