系统版本:tencentos 5.4.119-19.0009.56
问题描述:首先是一开始登陆不成功就通过ssh 连接查看账户是否正常,bt 14 出现如下错误,- 请输入命令编号:14
- ===============================================
- 正在执行(14)...
- ===============================================
- curl: (77) error setting certificate verify locations:
- CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
- CApath: /etc/pki/tls/certs
- ==================================================================
- BT-Panel default info!
- ==================================================================
- 获取外网IP失败,请使用服务器公网IP+端口访问面板
- 外网面板地址: https://服务器公网IP:15681/0598eb00
- 内网面板地址: https://ip:15681/0598eb00
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 1422, in <module>
- set_panel_username()
- File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 571, in set_panel_username
- print('username: ' + username)
- TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "list") to str
- password: ********
- Warning:
- If you cannot access the panel,
- release the following port (8888|888|80|443|20|21) in the security group
重新修复了面板也不可以,通过curl 下载重新安装也不可以, 修改密码也 是出现以下错误
- 请输入命令编号:5
- ===============================================
- 正在执行(5)...
- ===============================================
- 请输入新的面板密码:yi2024
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 1457, in <module>
- bt_cli(clinum)
- File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 1144, in bt_cli
- set_panel_pwd(input_pwd.strip(), True)
- File "/www/server/panel/tools.py", line 160, in set_panel_pwd
- result = public.M('users').where('id=?', (1,)).setField('password', public.password_salt(public.md5(password), uid=1))
- File "/www/server/panel/class/public.py", line 3629, in password_salt
- return md5(md5(password + '_bt.cn') + salt)
- TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "list") to str
- [root@VM-0-8-tencentos ~]#