| Slave_IO_State | Master_Host | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_Retry | Master_Log_File | Read_Master_Log_Pos | Relay_Log_File | Relay_Log_Pos | Relay_Master_Log_File | Slave_IO_Running | Slave_SQL_Running | Replicate_Do_DB | Replicate_Ignore_DB | Replicate_Do_Table | Replicate_Ignore_Table | Replicate_Wild_Do_Table | Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table | Last_Errno | Last_Error | Skip_Counter | Exec_Master_Log_Pos | Relay_Log_Space | Until_Condition | Until_Log_File | Until_Log_Pos | Master_SSL_Allowed | Master_SSL_CA_File | Master_SSL_CA_Path | Master_SSL_Cert | Master_SSL_Cipher | Master_SSL_Key | Seconds_Behind_Master | Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert | Last_IO_Errno | Last_IO_Error | Last_SQL_Errno | Last_SQL_Error | Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids | Master_Server_Id | Master_UUID | Master_Info_File | SQL_Delay | SQL_Remaining_Delay | Slave_SQL_Running_State | Master_Retry_Count | Master_Bind | Last_IO_Error_Timestamp | Last_SQL_Error_Timestamp | Master_SSL_Crl | Master_SSL_Crlpath | Retrieved_Gtid_Set | Executed_Gtid_Set | Auto_Position | Replicate_Rewrite_DB | Channel_Name | Master_TLS_Version | Master_public_key_path | Get_master_public_key | Network_Namespace |
| | | zGNuRhGth | 10024 | 60 | | 4 | localhost-relay-bin.000001 | 4 | | No | Yes | | | | | wldkchaoyang.% | | 0 | | 0 | 0 | 156 | None | | 0 | No | | | | | | 0 | No | 13117 | The replication receiver thread cannot start because the master has GTID_MODE = OFF and this server has GTID_MODE = ON. | 0 | | | 1 | | mysql.slave_master_info | 0 | NULL | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates | 86400 | | 211229 16:22:19 | | | | | 930c3c86-687c-11ec-b451-2cf05d14db56:1-1132 | 1 | | | | | 0 | |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)